A gift he will love

Luxury gifts for men

Regardless if the Christmas present is for your spouse, best friend, or son, it’s always difficult to find that something extra that really shows your appreciation. The gift should be well thought out, personal and appreciated.

Made-to-measure clothing, created entirely based on each customer’s personal needs and preferences, is guaranteed to be such a gift. With us, you don’t just give away a gift card for a made-to-measure garment, but also the experience in our showroom, where we go through measurements, fabrics, and design choices to make the garment as personal as possible.

Do you want extra help before your purchase? Book a consultation with us and we will help you in the best way.

We make custom tailored clothing for men and help them feel more confident by revolutionizing the way they dress. Our products are crafted to make you look and feel great. Yes, it's just that simple, yet so different. 

Our gift cards

Our gift cards are always very appreciated by the recipient. With a completely new shopping experience, we create a garment in the exact design he desires. Our gift cards come nicely packaged and can easily be bought online or in one of our showrooms. You are of course welcome to book a consultation before your purchase if we wish to have our advice.

If this is the first time he gets the opportunity to experience Blugiallo, we will meet in our showroom or digitally for a consultation. There we help him with everything from taking measurements to selecting the perfect tailored garments for his wardrobe. In other words, not only does he get something that makes him look great, but he also gets to experience a whole new way of buying clothes.

Need some extra help?

Book a free consultation

Our goal is for you to find the perfect Christmas gift so you are always welcome to contact us before your purchase if you have any questions. Whether you have any special requests, thoughts, or questions about our products, or if you want us to customize a personal experience for him, we are here to help. Book an unconditional consultation and together we will create the perfect gift for him.